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Read more of God’s Eternal Purpose
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
What is forgiveness? Is it one-way or two-way, or does the word sometimes refer to one or the other of those? Can we tell from the context? For example, what did Jesus mean in Luke 17:3-4? Are there implied terms to forgiveness that determine by our response whether the relationship is restored?
Read more of Forgiveness
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh,…
Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
But why?
Read more of The Two Mysteries of Hebrews 1 & 2
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
This study shares the discovery that Paul systematically gave the same Three Angels’ Messages given by Christ in Revelation! It goes beyond identifying the three purposes of those messages to detail the six recurring themes by which Paul validated those three purposes.
Read more of Romans, Paul’s Version of the Three Angels’ Messages.
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
Clergy and laity alike have often stumbled over some of the writings of Paul the Apostle. Scattered among the letters which he addressed to the churches are a few verses that almost seem to contradict what he wrote in other epistles. At least they have been interpreted as contradictions. But did the great, spiritual, straight-thinking Paul write confusing things? Or is the contradiction only in the way readers have twisted his words?
Read more of Absent From The Body & Present With The Lord
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
It is reported that there are over 2500 prophecies of Christ’s second coming recorded in the Bible. It is referred to as the blessed hope. Christ promised that He would return to earth to gather His saints and take them to heaven. In His prophecy in Matthew 24, Christ warned four times of deceptions regarding His coming back to the earth.
From Christ’s warning regarding deceptive prophecies of His return, we can conclude two things. 1) There will be false teachings, 2) We do not have to be deceived. We know that the deception comes from the religious world because we are warned of false prophets and false christs. These false prophets will be prophesying false teachings regarding the second coming. We should be diligent to study the events of His coming that we shall not be among those that are deceived.
Read more of The Rapture
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
The Scriptures prophecy of a coming resurrection. Many are confused regarding the subject of death and the resurrection. What does the Bible teach regarding this most important subject? For the answer, let us examine the account of Lazarus found in the Gospel of John, chapter 11.
This story is about the death and resurrection of Lazarus, a close friend of Christ who was sick. Even though Lazarus was only two miles away when Christ received the word that he was sick, it was not until he was in the tomb for four days that Jesus showed up. Why did Christ wait to go to him? What lesson can we glean from this story?
Read more of Lazarus Come Forth
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
Are we so profoundly in love with Love, as revealed by the Father, Christ and their Word, that we no longer manifest anything but the faith of Jesus, that unselfish love flows out from us always toward friend and enemy, kin and stranger alike as we follow Christ’s obedient, abiding example of unbroken communion with God? In our wilderness of temptation, in our weakest condition, will we also refuse to doubt who we are? Will we manifest the faith of Jesus in good times and hard times, passing through life’s darkest hour yet bearing our cross with faith, having been quickened by His Spirit of selfless love. Will we manifest the faith that saves “amply and fully and entirely” from the power of sin, that others might also look and live?
Read more of The Faith of Jesus
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
Hos 1:2 And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms:
Hos 1:3 So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim;
Why would God instruct Hosea to do such a thing? What better way for Hosea to prophecy to Israel of the pain that God was experiencing due to her unfaithfulness than to experience it himself first hand? He could then more effectively communicate to Israel God’s love for her and the impending doom should she not repent of her unfaithfulness.
Read more of Hosea’s Passionate Lover
By Cindy • All Studies, Covenant of Love • 0
Truth abhors force and shuns police protection. Her unveiled beauty flows gracefully only amidst forums where, borne of the same Spirit, her sister Liberty is well-received and honored. Truth speaks for herself. Would-be suitors helplessly learn she does not extend her delicate hand to the forceful or those who think to defend her with appeals to custom, history, tradition, pragmatics, or sound logic foundering on worldly assumptions.
Her honored and privileged guests selflessly seek the ennobling beauty of her unrivaled integrity and unassailable internal consistency. She remains aloof to those who seek her for any other purpose than to reproduce her loveliness in consecrated eternal union and service to the humble Prince of Truth who sacrificed His throne to assure her untainted reputation and surpassing beauty would endure forever. Seek Her and you will find Him.
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