The Judgment
Who is the judge? Who is being judged? By what standard are we judged? When is the judgment?
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Understanding Daniel and Revelation
Daniel and Revelation reveal as no other the great controversy between Christ and antichrist, the battle between two kingdoms, and the principles by which they govern. No where else in the Bible does God as thoroughly reiterate the identification of two critical time periods than in Daniel and Revelation....
Reaping and Sowing, Daniel 1
We will find, by examining the following Bible verses, examples of the biblical principle that effect follows cause, whether that effect is a direct outworking of natural laws, or follows the respectful concession of a God whose right to mercifully intervene has been rejected in favor of the intervention of another.
The Rise and Fall of Earthly Kingdoms, Daniel 2 Part 2
The vision of chapter 2 is the first vision in the book of Daniel, and it is of great significance. It can be likened to a skeleton with each succeeding vision adding on the flesh, layer after layer.
Self, the Greatest Battle Ever Fought, Daniel 3 Part 1
This is the core issue of the great controversy. Whose principles will be found to be everlasting and able to sustain life, the principles of selfless love and liberty or self-exaltation and force? In other words, "Will the real God please stand up."
The Mystery of Iniquity- Self Worship, Daniel 3 Part 2
In this study we are going to closely examine the parallels between Nebuchadnezzarʼs image on the plains of Dura and the final decree enforcing worship, as revealed in Revelation. What does this have to do with us, our present lives and our eternal destiny?
The Final Showdown, Daniel 3 Part 3
The literal story of King Nebuchadnezzarʼs setting up the golden image on the plains of Dura typifies the forthcoming final showdown . . .
What is the core issue? What principle of governance differentiates these kingdoms?
The Humbling of the High and Mighty, Daniel 4
In his converted state, Nebuchadnezzar, the author of Daniel chapter four, reflects back on the events that led to a most humbling experience when he found himself out in a pasture grazing with the animals ...
Prophetic Flow of History, Daniel 7 Part 1
Prophecy reveals the play/counterplay in the great controversy between Christ and antichrist. Daniel and Revelation reveal as no other, the principles of the two kingdoms. It assures us of the victorious end. The things that were foretold and have come to pass assure us that the things that are yet unfolding will also come to pass.
The Bible Must Be Allowed To Interpret Itself
Can the Bible be trusted? Does the Bible contradict itself? Is every word of the Bible inspired? Is there a difference between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New? Will there be any new light? How can we know the truth? Are there principles of interpretation whereby we might rightly divide the Word of Truth?
Will The Real God Please Stand Up!
Who done it — Egypt’s Gods or Israel’s God? Who killed the firstborn of Egypt? How did the plagues come about? Who hardened Pharaohʼs heart? Who was the “destroyer?” On closer examination we will discover that things are not always as they appear.
Hell At The Cross
Some people believe that Christ went to hell after He died. This would be true in the sense that hell is sometimes properly interpreted as the grave both in Hebrew and Greek, and Christ went to that grave. But hell has another biblically proper interpretation by which Christ went to hell before He died. In fact, when He gave up His spirit and died, it was a sweet release from the torment of that living hell.
Who is the judge? Who is being judged? By what standard are we judged? When is the judgment?
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By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
God had given King Nebuchadnezzar a dream predicting the fall of his kingdom and the rise and fall of three successive nations. All these nations represented the principles of Satan’s kingdom and would be destroyed and God’s everlasting kingdom would eventually fill the earth.
In this story we find the king rebelling against God’s prediction. Just like Satan in the beginning of the great controversy, Nebuchadnezzar was self deceived through pride and thought that his kingdom could prevail. The image that King Nebuchadnezzar set up on the plains of Dura represented himself.
This is the core issue of the great controversy. Whose principles will be found to be everlasting and able to sustain life, the principles of selfless love and liberty or self-exaltation and force? In other words, Will the real God please stand up.
Read more of The Rise & Fall of Earthly Kingdoms Part 2
By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
Within the books of Daniel and Revelation we find the core issues of the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Satan’s master plan is to set up his kingdom here on the earth as an everlasting kingdom, believing his to be superior to God’s. We read of his desire to exalt himself above the throne of God, sitting in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God, and receiving all worship. In Daniel and Revelation, we see the prophetic, panoramic view of the epic battle between two kingdoms, Jerusalem and Babylon—the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. These books lay out for us the principles of both kingdoms. They reveal the temporary ascendency Satan has gained through his succession of earthly kingdoms, which have adopted his principles of self-exalting, self-serving force. They also reveal the Victor, whose principles of self-lowering, self-sacrificing love will prevail, as demonstrated at the cross and again ultimately through His bride, the church.
Read more of The Rise & Fall of Earthly Kingdoms Part 1
By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
How would you like to try to put together a million piece jigsaw puzzle without seeing the picture on the box lid? Well, how would you like trying to understand Daniel and Revelation without seeing “The Big Picture.” The purpose of this study is to look at the big picture which will greatly enable us to put the many pieces together revealing the character of God and His continual work to save us from the abomination that brings desolation—exaltation of self. Read more of The Big Picture
By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
If this is not true then Adventism and all it stands for, the three angels’ message, the doctrine of the investigative judgment and the ministration of Christ, the vindication of the beautiful character of God, the most holy place experience of total overcoming, and our denomination designation as God’s church is a farce, without theological foundation. Read more
By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
In Revelation 11 we find the mysterious two witnesses. As we shall see, they are not as mysterious as one would think. For the purpose of identifying these two witnesses from the Scriptures, let us consider some of their characteristics as found in the following verses.
They are prophets. (verse 10)
They prophesy in sackcloth. [obscurity] (verse 3)
They prophesy for 1,260 days. (verse 3)
They are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. (verse 4)
They destroy their enemies with fire from their mouths. (verse 5)
They have power to prevent it from raining and to turn water to blood. (verse 6)
The beast out of the bottomless pit makes war against them and kills them at the end of their prophesying 1,260 years. (verse 7)
They are resurrected after 3 ½ days. (verse 11, 12)
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By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
As I stated in “The Second Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24”, I believe it is worthy of more than just a passing recognition that the first abomination of desolation was associated with the Feast of Tabernacles, and the second abomination of desolation was associated with a blood moon.
Let us watch and see what will develop with the visit from the pope this September 23, 2015 which just so happens to coincide with a blood moon as well as with the Feast of Tabernacles. Interestingly, he is pushing for Sunday to be set aside as a family day. Could this be the subtly beginning of the enforced worship we read about in Revelation 13 connected with a death decree? It will be the first time in America’s history that a pope has addressed Congress. What we have here is church and state. Sounds as if prophecy is fulfilling before our very eyes.
Read more of The Final Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24
By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
Christ’s warning to His disciples of the abomination of desolation found in the gospels was three-fold in its meaning. The first would be the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by the Roman army, the second was the self exalting, persecuting power of the papacy during the 1260 years of the predicted reign of the antichrist, and the last abomination will be when the papacy again exalts itself and persecutes the saints bringing the final destruction of the world at the end.
Read more of The Second Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24
By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
In Christ’s description of events to take place before His return, He spoke of the abomination that would occur with the admonition that all read and understand it for themselves.
Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Read more of The First Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24
By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
Prophecy: A Covenant of Love
The purpose of prophecy is to prepare the bride for her Bridegroom. It reveals to us where Christ is at each step of His ministry and what He is currently doing to cleanse and purify His bride for the day when He comes to take her home. It’s the greatest love story ever told. Not only has He gone away to prepare a mansion for her, but He is also intimately active in cleansing her for the consummation of the wedding. This holy covenant, the marriage vow, assures us that His word will not return unto Him void but it will accomplish that for which it is sent. In Hosea 2:19-20, we read, “And I will betroth thee unto Me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving kindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto Me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD.” This “knowing” is also referred to as the “at-one-ment” when we have been filled with the fullness of God.
Read more of The Purpose of Prophecy
By Cindy • All Studies, Prophecies of Love • 0
Truth abhors force and shuns police protection. Her unveiled beauty flows gracefully only amidst forums where, borne of the same Spirit, her sister Liberty is well-received and honored. Truth speaks for herself. Would-be suitors helplessly learn she does not extend her delicate hand to the forceful or those who think to defend her with appeals to custom, history, tradition, pragmatics, or sound logic foundering on worldly assumptions.
Her honored and privileged guests selflessly seek the ennobling beauty of her unrivaled integrity and unassailable internal consistency. She remains aloof to those who seek her for any other purpose than to reproduce her loveliness in consecrated eternal union and service to the humble Prince of Truth who sacrificed His throne to assure her untainted reputation and surpassing beauty would endure forever. Seek Her and you will find Him.
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