The Final Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24

As I stated in “The Second Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24”, I believe it is worthy of more than just a passing recognition that the first abomination of desolation was associated with the Feast of Tabernacles, and the second abomination of desolation was associated with a blood moon.

Let us watch and see what will develop with the visit from the pope this September 23, 2015 which just so happens to coincide with a blood moon as well as with the Feast of Tabernacles. Interestingly, he is pushing for Sunday to be set aside as a family day. Could this be the subtly beginning of the enforced worship we read about in Revelation 13 connected with a death decree? It will be the first time in America’s history that a pope has addressed Congress. What we have here is church and state. Sounds as if prophecy is fulfilling before our very eyes.

Read more of The Final Abomination of Desolation of Matthew 24